Exploring Coron with Kawil Tours
The best way to explore Coron and the Calamian island chain is via boat, island hopping from one beautiful beach to the next. When we found, and chatted, with Jun of Kawil Tours, a company based on neighbouring Culion Island, I knew the professional, responsible, start-up company would be a good fit with our values as travellers. Equipped for our tour were 3 boat men, navigating our way on the sea, a tour guide to show us the sites and lead us through the coral reefs, and the on board chef, to (over) feed us!
Our 2 Day, 1 Night itinerary-
Day 1:
- Picked up from our guesthouse in the Coron town proper.
- After boarding our private boat we headed to our first stop: Kanyangan Lake for snorkelling in the crystal clear waters.
- Snorkelled a coral garden on route to Banol Beach on Coron Island.
- Ate lunch (seafood feast prepared à la JR, the tour chef!) on Banol Beach under a shaded cabana, perfect for watching the waves lap up on shore.
- One hour motor to Malcapuya Island (with yummy snacks).
- Set up on Malcapuya's white powder beach as we watched the remaining tourists go home for the day.
- The island was all ours! We were the only guests staying on the island, a usual occurrence. We had another great dinner on the beach while the sun set and finished dinner off by laying in the beachside hammocks.
Day 2:
- Breakfast was served, on the beach.
- Lounged in the morning sun on Malcapuya until the tourists begin to arrive.
- Headed for Banana island to snorkel and get up close with lots of colourful fish.
- Departed the beach and set up to start fishing using the traditional Kawil-style methods (with a hand held wooden spool).
- Caught fish and grilled them up for lunch, which was served on the boat.
- Motored back to Coron!
Our trip itinerary was a variation of their normal 3 day, 2 night option which includes a second night and day exploring the island of Culion, a former leper colony with rich history and pristine marine life. If only our trip to Coron could have be extended!
Although the entire tour was a highlight for our trip to the Philippines, more specifically we loved the food and eating our meals amongst amazing scenery. The fresh seafood dishes and yummy traditional Filipino foods offered were exceptional. Overnight camping on Malcapuya Island was another highlight- you can't beat having a beautiful tropical island to yourself for the night.
Kawil Tours website for more information: http://www.kawiltours.com/kawil/
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